Consulting in Biotechnology and Nutrition
for Healthier People on a Healthier Planet


Biotechnology and Nutrition for Healthier People on a Healthier Planet

Humanity in the Anthropocene faces enormous challenges in terms of the need for feeding a global population of 8 billion today and 10 billion predicted for 2080; the human impact on climate change and biodiversity; and the requirement for more sustainable health care systems. 

Yet, humanity also disposes of unprecedented powerful knowledge, technologies, and means to meet these challenges, fuelled by the converging revolutions in bio- and information technology. Nutrition stands at the forefront of these opportunities to deliver better human, animal, and planetary health. In short: we can’t save the planet unless we fix nutrition.

If your science, research, and/or business relates to this context of biotechnology, human/animal health and nutrition, or planetary sustainability – let’s talk. I will be pleased to support you in your scientific and business development, leveraging my experience and network in industry, academia, and with government.


Professional Profile

Internationally renowned primary investigator, research manager, and former professor.

Nutrition, health, biotechnology, and sustainability.

Omics, biomarkers, and diagnostics.



Martin is CEO and Founder of Kussmann Biotech GmbH, a biotechnology consulting firm in the fields of health, nutrition, and sustainability. He offers scientific and business support for R&D intense companies, institutions, and foundations. His services encompass: scientific & business development; venture capital fund raising; branding; communication & presentation; scientific publishing; scientific literature review; leverage of personal professional network.

Martin is also ‘Head of Science & Innovation’ at the Competence Center for Nutrition (KErn) within the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry. KErn is a platform bringing together agriculture, food production and retail, consumers, science, and education to facilitate integrated solutions for a healthier and more sustainable food system in Bavaria, Germany, a federal state with 13 M inhabitants.

Trained as a biochemist Martin has accomplished a 30-years dual corporate/academic career with experience in nutrition, pharma, and biotechnology. He held professorships at EPF Lausanne, Switzerland; Aarhus University, Denmark; and The University of Auckland, New Zealand, where he was also Scientific Director of the National Science Programme ‘High-Value Nutrition’. Martin has co-created and managed four research units and scientifically led three institutions. Martin is an internationally requested, multi-lingual author, editor, and lecturer credited with ~200 publications.

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